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Surgical Session 3: Implants with GBR & Sinus

May 18-19, 2024
Novotel Miami Brickell
Miami, Florida

"Dive deep into the core principles of guided bone regeneration (GBR) and sinus lift techniques in this third session by Misch Implant Institute (@mischimplantinstitute). Learn how to handle various osseous deficiencies and optimize implant placement success from Misch Educators."

Course Information:
#SigmaGraft #dentalimplants #mischimplantinstitute

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Thank you Dr. Seung Geun Lee and Dr. Sang Bong Jung for a great lecture! Here`s a highlight from their session where they performed demonstrations using our products, InterOss® and InterCollagen® Guide.
#SigmaGraft #dentalimplants #kdentalconference

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Gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills in the surgical management of peri-implantitis from Dr. Alberto Monje (@dr.alberto_monje) this June 14. This course will take place at the Multidisciplinary Implant and Aesthetic Miami Institute (M.I.A.M.I., @miami_institute), and participants will engage in both theoretical sessions and hands-on practice.

Course Information:
#SigmaGraft #dentalimplants #miamiinstitute

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Our gratitude to Dr. Ismael Khouly (@ismael_khouly), former Director of Periodontology & Implant Dentistry at NYU College of Dentistry, for allowing us to be part of even more educational opportunities. Keep an eye out for more news soon!
#SigmaGraft #dentalimplants #NYUdentistry

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To learn more about the product, visit the following link:

InterCollagen® Guide
#SigmaGraft #InterCollagenGuide #dentalimplants

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